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Training Center
Alignment / Commitment Agreement
an AHA
Instructor, I agree to the following:
I agree to align/affiliate with the
CPR Training Center at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
(NBI) and to abide by any policies and procedures of that training center.
I will adhere to the guidelines, curricula and performance standards of the American Heart Association (AHA) as outlined in the Instructor Manuals and associated provider manuals.
I will ensure every student, that I teach, has access to a provider manual whenever required or will notify the TC.
I agree to teach at least two courses per year in order to maintain my current instructor status which is a total of 4 in two years.
I understand that I must be monitored for Instructor competency via a written exam, a skills demonstration, and a teaching episode to maintain my instructor status. This is done at a minimum every two years before my expiration date. There is zero grace period for an instructor whose card has expired.
I understand that the training center may send faculty to audit any of my scheduled classes with or without my prior knowledge.
I agree to attend all updates, Instructor Renewal courses, or any other informational sessions deemed necessary by the Training Center. If I do not attend these updates, I understand that my file will become inactive and that I cannot submit rosters until all requirements are met.
I agree to use the most current documentation tools provided by the Training Center. I understand that if my documentation is incomplete, the Training Center will return the documents for correction. No cards will be issued until the documentation is completed and submitted to the Training Center.
As an American Heart Association (AHA) Instructor, I understand the necessity of maintaining security of the written examinations. I agree that I will be solely responsible for all AHA exams in my possession. I understand that I may copy exams as necessary to conduct courses and will administer these exams in a proctored setting. I will ensure that any paper and/or electronic copies of AHA exams are stored in a secure location, and I will return all paper and electronic copies to the Training Center immediately upon request. I further understand that failure to adhere to this policy may result in deactivation of my instructor affiliation with RWJBH CPR Training Center.
I understand that when I am teaching directly for the training center (does not apply to private instructors or businesses), those clients are clients of the training center. I will not solicit their business, hand out my personal information, flyers, business cards or advertisements. I will not compete, expressly or implicitly, with the training center.
I understand that my Instructor status may be deactivated, from the training center, at any time if I disregard the policies, procedures, or standards of the American Heart Association or the CPR Training Center at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center.
I will not deface, alter or modify any property of the CPR Training Center at any time and agree to be held responsible for any repair or replacement costs associated with such alterations.
I will submit all documentation to the Training Center within 7 business days of course completion
Indicates required field
Agreement Statement
Select One
I Agree
I DO NOT Agree
Instructor ID #
Home Address
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Please upload a copy of your current instructor cards. If you can't upload copies, please mail copies to the address listed below.
Comments, If Any
Can't upload your cards? Please mail copies of your cards to: NBI CPR Training Center, 201 Lyons Ave, Building N-4, Newark, NJ 07112.
Electronic Signature. By typing your name, you agree to the terms listed above.
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